from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl import load_workbook import glob import time row_write = 1 col_write = 1 timenow = time.strftime('%y%m%d%H%M', time.localtime()) outfile = 'C:\\testout\\output' + timenow + '.xlsx' wbwrite = Workbook() wswmain = wbwrite.active wswmain.title = '科目余额表' wswlog = wbwrite.create_sheet(title = 'Log') wswlog.cell(row = 1, column = 1).value = 'Name' row_log = 2 row_write += 1 stop_sign = ['总计', 'SMCN'] files = glob.glob('*.xlsx') for infile in files: print('reading ' + infile) obtained = False col_write = 1 name = infile.split('-')[0] wbread = load_workbook(infile) for i in range(len(wbread.sheetnames)): wsread = wbread.worksheets[i] row_read = 1 col_read = 1 while row_read < 11: if wsread.cell(row = row_read, column = col_read).value == '科目编码' and wsread.cell(row = row_read, column = 10).value == '期末余额': wswlog.cell(row = row_log, column = 1).value = name row_log += 1 row_read += 1 while wsread.cell(row = row_read, column = col_read).value != None and not wsread.cell(row = row_read, column = col_read).value in stop_sign: obtained = True wswmain.cell(row = row_write, column = 1).value = name for col_read in range(1, 11): corig = wsread.cell(row = row_read, column = col_read) cdest = wswmain.cell(row = row_write, column = col_read + 1) if col_read == 4 or col_read == 10: if '贷' in wsread.cell(row = row_read, column = col_read - 1).value: cdest.value = -corig.value else: cdest.value = corig.value elif col_read == 6 or col_read == 8: if corig.value != None: cdest.value = -corig.value else: cdest.value = corig.value else: cdest.value = corig.value row_read += 1 row_write += 1 col_read = 1 break row_read += 1 if obtained == False and '科目余额表' in infile: print('ignoring ' + infile) wbwrite.save(filename = outfile) wbwrite.close()
from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl import load_workbook import os import glob import time timenow = time.strftime('%y%m%d%H%M', time.localtime()) outfile = "C:\\shimao conso spreadsheet\\testout\\output" + timenow + ".xlsx" wbwrite = Workbook() wswmain = wbwrite.active wswmain.title = '科目余额表' wswexcp = wbwrite.create_sheet(title = '格式异常') wswlog = wbwrite.create_sheet(title = 'Log') momain = 1 moexcp = 1 molog = 1 wswlog.cell(row = molog, column = 1).value = 'code' wswlog.cell(row = molog, column = 2).value = 'name' wswlog.cell(row = molog, column = 3).value = 'status' wswlog.cell(row = molog, column = 4).value = 'duplicate?' molog += 1 target = '其他应收款' title = ['公司代码', '公司名称', '一级科目', '一级科目(描述)', '明细科目', '明细科目(描述)', '期初方向', '期初余额', '本期借方', '本期贷方', '借方累计', '贷方累计', '期末方向', '期末余额'] title_must = ['一级科目(描述)', '明细科目(描述)', '期初方向', '期初余额', '本期借方', '本期贷方', '借方累计', '贷方累计', '期末方向', '期末余额'] for lc in range(len(title)): wswmain.cell(row = momain, column = lc + 1).value = title[lc] wswexcp.cell(row = momain, column = lc + 1).value = title[lc] momain += 1 moexcp += 1 mc = len(title) dirs = os.listdir(path='.') for q in dirs: if os.path.isdir(q): times = 0 code = q.split(' ')[0] name = q.split(' ')[1] a = glob.glob(q + '/*.xlsx', recursive=True) for infile in a: contain = False print(f'Reading {infile}') if '~$' in infile: continue wbread = load_workbook(infile) sheets = wbread.sheetnames for i in range(len(sheets)): if '港方科目' in sheets[i]: contain = True times += 1 wsread = wbread.worksheets[i] mi = 1 titletest = True for col in range(mc): titletest = titletest and (wsread.cell(row = 1, column = col + 1).value == title[col]) if titletest: excp = 0 while wsread.cell(row = mi , column = 1).value != None: account = wsread.cell(row = mi , column = 4).value if account == target: for n in range(1, mc + 1): corig = wsread.cell(row = mi, column = n) cdest = wswmain.cell(row = momain, column = n) cdest.value = corig.value if times > 1: wswmain.cell(row = momain, column = mc + 1).value = '!!DUPLICATE!!' momain += 1 mi += 1 else: titlen = 1 contain_must = True wsreadtitle_list = [] wsreadtitle_dic = {} title_item = wsread.cell(row = 1, column = titlen).value while title_item != None: wsreadtitle_dic[title_item] = titlen wsreadtitle_list.append(title_item) titlen += 1 title_item = wsread.cell(row = 1, column = titlen).value for title_must_item in title_must: title_tmp = False for title_item in wsreadtitle_list: title_tmp = title_tmp or (title_item == title_must_item) contain_must = contain_must and title_tmp if contain_must: excp = 2 while wsread.cell(row = mi , column = 1).value != None or wsread.cell(row = mi , column = 2).value != None or wsread.cell(row = mi , column = 3).value != None: if target == wsread.cell(row = mi, column = wsreadtitle_dic['一级科目(描述)']).value: wswmain.cell(row = momain, column = 1).value = code wswmain.cell(row = momain, column = 2).value = name for item in title_must: corig = wsread.cell(row = mi, column = wsreadtitle_dic[item]) cdest = wswmain.cell(row = momain, column = title.index(item) + 1) cdest.value = corig.value if times > 1: wswmain.cell(row = momain, column = mc + 1).value = '!!DUPLICATE!!' momain += 1 mi += 1 else: excp = 1 wswexcp.cell(row = moexcp, column = 1).value = infile nonetimes = 0 n = 1 while nonetimes < 4: corig = wsread.cell(row = mi, column = n) cdest = wswexcp.cell(row = moexcp, column = n + 1) cdest.value = corig.value if corig.value == None: nonetimes += 1 n += 1 if times > 1: wswexcp.cell(row = moexcp, column = n + 1).value = '!!DUPLICATE!!' moexcp += 1 mi += 1 while wsread.cell(row = mi , column = 1).value != None or wsread.cell(row = mi , column = 2).value != None or wsread.cell(row = mi , column = 3).value != None: ntest = 1 while ntest < 20: if target in str(wsread.cell(row = mi , column = ntest).value): wswexcp.cell(row = moexcp, column = 1).value = infile n = 1 nonetimes = 0 while nonetimes < 4: corig = wsread.cell(row = mi, column = n) cdest = wswexcp.cell(row = moexcp, column = n + 1) cdest.value = corig.value if corig.value == None: nonetimes += 1 n += 1 if times > 1: wswexcp.cell(row = moexcp, column = n + 1).value = '!!DUPLICATE!!' moexcp += 1 break ntest += 1 mi += 1 wbread.close() wbwrite.save(filename = outfile) if contain: print(f'Done {infile}') status = '' dupe = '' if excp == 1 and times > 1: status = 'Format ERROR. Data imported in Sheet "格式异常"' dupe = 'Duplicate' if excp == 0 and times > 1: status = 'Success' dupe = 'Duplicate' if excp == 2 and times > 1: status = 'Only compulsory data imported' dupe = 'Duplicate' if times == 0: status = 'NOT FOUND' if excp == 1 and times == 1: status = 'Format ERROR. Data imported in Sheet "格式异常"' if excp == 0 and times == 1: status = 'Success' if excp == 2 and times == 1: status = 'Only compulsory data imported' wswlog.cell(row = molog, column = 1).value = code wswlog.cell(row = molog, column = 2).value = name wswlog.cell(row = molog, column = 3).value = status wswlog.cell(row = molog, column = 4).value = dupe molog += 1 wbwrite.save(filename = outfile) wbwrite.close()